Welcome to the Jackson County Parcel Viewer. To view parcel information, use the search function or zoom in and click on an individual parcel.
This map provides access to the county parcel map as well as associated assessing information. Parcel lines displayed are not survey grade accuracy.
Select the HELP tab for more information.
Parcel information displayed on the map is hosted by the Jackson County GIS Department. Parcel lines displayed may not align with other images and layers displayed on the map. Please be advised that parcel lines displayed on this website are not survey grade accuracy.
All parcel information (including legal descriptions, taxable values, owner names, etc) is derived from data from the Jackson County Equalization Department. To contact the Equalization Department regarding this data, please call (517) 788-4378.
To select a parcel manually, zoom in until the parcel layer is visible and click on the parcel you wish to view. Selecting a search result will select the corresponding parcel automatically.
When a single parcel is selected, it will be highlighted with a blue outline. Data for the highlighted parcel will be displayed in the INFO tab.
To select multiple parcels, the map must be zoomed in far enough for the parcel layer to be visible. While holding the Shift key, drag the mouse to select a group of parcels. Repeat this action to add parcels to the current selection.
To add or subtract an individual parcel from the selection, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the parcel.
Individual parcels may still be selected for printing maps and parcel reports. To return to the list of selected parcels, select the MORE drop-down menu and then select the VIEW ALL button. Please be aware that the BUFFER tool cannot be used at the same time.
Themes offer unique collections of map layers to assist in data visualization. Select the THEMES tab to view available themes.
Some map layers are only available at specific zoom levels and are toggled on or off by default. Select the LAYERS tab to view a list of selectable layers at the current scale level.
When a single parcel is selected, press the BUFFER drop-down button and enter a distance to create a buffer around the selected parcel. Press the BUFFER button in the drop-down dialog to select all parcels within the buffer zone. Download options will be displayed in the INFO tab.
Alternatively, use the multiple selection function to select the parcels you wish to highlight the parcels you wish to generate mailing labels for. Select the MORE drop-down and then select the MAILING LABELS (pdf) button.
Press the MAP TO PDF drop-down button to create a printable map in PDF format. Select PARCEL REPORT (PDF) to generate a report on an individual parcel in PDF format. Select FULL PAGE MAP (PDF) to create a full page map in PDF format. Full page map can be printed in either portrait or landscape orientation.
Jackson County
Geographic Information Systems
County Tower Building • 11th Floor
120 W Michigan Ave
Jackson, MI 49201
Phone: 517-768-6692
Fax: 517-768-6693
E-Mail: gis@mijackson.org